The following photographs of the ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory at Shallow Lake, Ontario were taken in 2003. At the time, these ruins were on private land owned by Murray Noble, who allowed the author access to the site to take these photographs.
Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003 (photo by author)Remains of storage bins among the ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. (photo by author)
The following photographs show the remains of what landowner Murray Noble believed may have been the Butchart’s house on the Shallow Lake factory site.
Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. These are possibly the remains of the Butchart house at the Shallow Lake factory site. (photo by author)Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. These are possibly the remains of the Butchart house at the Shallow Lake factory site. (photo by author)
Notice the daffodils in the photograph above. Remains of Jennie Butchart’s garden at Shallow Lake?
Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. These are possibly the remains of the Butchart house at the Shallow Lake factory site. (photo by author)Landowner Murray Noble in what are believed to be the ruins of the Butchart’s house at the Shallow Lake factory site. Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. (photo by author)Landowner Murray Noble in what are believed to be the ruins of the Butchart’s house at the Shallow Lake factory site. Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. (photo by author)Landowner Murray Noble in what are believed to be the ruins of the Butchart’s house at the Shallow Lake factory site. Ruins of the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. (photo by author)Shallow Lake as seen from the ruins of what is believed to be the Butchart’s house at the Owen Sound Portland Cement Company factory, Shallow Lake, Ontario, 2003. (photo by author)
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